
Masters of Circulation

Presented by Ramon Varcoe, Andrew Holden and Peter Schneider

Episode 4: Dr Michael Jaff

In this frank and compelling interview, Dr Jaff speaks about his early entree into vascular medicine, his approach to collaboration, his experiences at Massachusetts General Hospital, the development of VasCore and the VIVA group of physicians. He also shares his thoughts on the future of vascular care and how to have a rewarding career in clinical medicine.

Episode 3: Dr Michael Dake

Dr Michael Dake is a pioneer of interventional radiology. In this thoroughly entertaining interview he speaks about the evolution of IR, the early days of stent-graft treatment for thoracic aortic dissection, the value of professional collaboration, his love of art, family and travel. He shares some great stories along the way.

Episode 2: Prof Marianne Brodmann

In this fascinating interview, Marianne Brodmann tells us all about her upbringing on an Austrian farm and the path that led her to become an angiologist. She speaks in detail about establishing one of the most successful vascular clinical trial centers in the world, what it’s like to be a woman in a tough, male-dominated field, and revisits the paclitaxel controversy 3-years later.

Episode 1: Dr Frank Veith

Dr Frank Veith shares some of the most memorable experiences of his early career, the challenges of innovating new surgical techniques and some fascinating insights into the world-famous VEITH Symposium.